  • uberdavid
  • My topic Delete spam posts from groups
  • Hi  Is anyone knows if the followinglike for facebook can search and delete facebook posts from group users?  for example i want to search all the posts with http on my sale group, and than delete them all.  idea anyone?  Thank's Everybody 
  • 2-12 22:40
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Downloading the Browser Pro...
  • Dear WhiteHatBox Team How are you? I hope my message got you well.  I am currently using the FollowingLIke Instagram&Facebook Versions with unlimited accounts.  After you agreed to change my license i was trying to install the softwares on my office pc.  I am dealing with a strange problem..  The program is not proforming tasks because the program is trying to download some kind of browser, but the download always failed.  Have any idea how to solve this problem? the download always go until 100% but still failes.  Thank's a lot for your amazing help! Looking forwards for your reply  Best Regards David
  • 2024-12-24 10:39
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Sending Message FailedL
  • I am trying to send instagram message.  i tried it via URL model And text model as well.  both have the same problem...  trying to send instagram message to a user, in debug mode i can see the software typing the username to locate him for message, but after search is done, the software is not able to select the correct user for the message.  attached is photo [03/10/2020 16:16:22] [Send Message] [start running] [ ] [03/10/2020 16:16:22] [SendMessage] [Running] [Loading UserName...] [03/10/2020 16:16:23] [SendMessage] [Running] [Load UserName success, userName:taliya_o] [03/10/2020 16:16:23] [SendMessage] [Running] [(1)Running] [03/10/2020 16:16:24] [SendMessage] [Running] [Loading the module] [03/10/2020 16:16:26] [SendMessage] [Running] [loading module sucess] [03/10/2020 16:17:02] [SendMessage] [Running] [Bad End. Message: Add Message Failed.] [03/10/2020 16:17:02] [SendMessage] [Running failed] [s****00 SendMessage failed] [03/10/2020 16:17:03] [SendMessage] [Running failed] [Sucessfully executed 0 times] Could please explain to me what am i missing? why the bot is not location the correct account?  as you can see, the correct account is found on the first row of this search
  • 2020-10-09 05:50
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Download module failed
  • I am trying to "start" new account in my following like program (instagram) while trying to download the module for first start, i get notification about download failed, and module can not start.  may please tell me what should i do to fix that? after long time without using your software, i would like to restart the use in my licance.  we have ultimate licanse to following like both instagram and facebook.  one more thing, long time ago your team told me they are now working on instagram sending message module. does this module start? can we use it or maybe there is no new module in the software? Thank's and Best Regards David
  • 2020-09-24 11:16
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Delete spam posts from groups
  • Hi Is anyone knows if the followinglike for facebook can search and delete facebook posts from group users? for example i want to search all the posts with http on my sale group, and than delete them all. idea anyone? Thank's Everybody
  • 2019-01-21 05:45
  • uberdavid
  • My topic One task for multiple accounts
  • Hello White Hat Team As always.. Thank's for your amazing software!  I have few questions about using your bots..  Following like facebook I am trying to use the use all checked account options.  But every time i am trying to check more than one account, The bot attempts to perform each operation separately for each account. For example: If i will try running the task above, the bot will login to each account as first task, after it he will search posts from all accounts, after it the bot will like post from each account.  but i want the bot will make all the tasks in one account, and than move on to the next account, and keep working in this method until the end of the loop.  Is there any way doing this without the need to copy each task 100 times?  If this is possible, it helps a lot! because i can work on all accounts with few tasks instead of 300-400 tasks..  I also wanted to ask if there is anyway to ignore all male friend requests and approve female only.  if there is anyway please i will be happy to know. Also i will be happy to hear if there is anyway to ignore friend requests from all users with name on specific language or containing specific word.  lets say ignore all friend request on arabic, or ignore all friend requests from John.. In addition, I am trying to export all my users, but all i get is empty file.  maybe i am doing something wrong? I don't  think i do because i used this option many times before.  I think there is some kind of a bug.  Following like Instagram I wanted to ask if there is any way to send messages with following like on instagram.  If not, have any idea when will it be possible?  Thank's for your amazing support <3 Best Regards David
  • 2018-05-23 03:21
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Tip And Request
  • Dear WhiteHat Box Team How are you guys? I hope my message got you well. First let me tell you again, i really love your bots, they are amazing.  I have a license for followinglike and botchief.  I have a request and Tip for improvement FollowingLike.  When i purchased the license for BotChief i was sure i will have the time to learn this both, but i was wrong.  Since I acquired the license i only tried using the bot ones or twice, because i had some real personal problems.  right now after one year i am just starting to learn how to use following like, and i am kind of sure i will never use the botchief. when i asked for refund few days after i  purchased the license for botchief, your team replied they don't do refunds, but they agree to change the license for any other application i want. So now after i am feeling a little better, i will like to ask you some big request, because i know i made the purchase long time ago.. but i would very much appreciate if you would accept my request to change the license type of the software, and consider that I have treated my very sick grandmother for a long time. I really like all your software, and I'd really like to try and learn to work with the instagram version of following like.  So i want to ask you to please to replace my botchief license with the instagram version of following like.  i purchased the license with $259.35 USD and never used it, and have no problem to add simbolic amount to change my license to the instgram version.  this way i will have the option to work both with facebook and instagram.  I would appreciate if you would approve my request. About my tip to improve FollowingLike As you know, facebook added the option to ask questions when people are requesting to joing groups.  and now 6 months after they start with this option, most of the popular groups are using this option..  so actually the Join groups module is not working on 80% from the groups..  i don't really ask the bot to join other people groups.. but this is very important for people who do..  I hope my tip can help you make following like even better, because this is the most fun bot i have ever seen! you guys are amazing.  I am sorry for my poor English, And thanking you for your bot even if not approve my request.  Best & Warm Regards David
  • 2018-04-28 10:48
  • uberdavid
  • My topic BothChief Developer Version
  • Hello Team Today i buy the bot chief from you.  i am using also the Following like Unlimited version, and i love it.  but i was sure i will be able to build bot's with the BotChief.  I am trying to build a software who can send auto messages from whatsapp web.  but after activating the botchief i can not see any tool to help me work on the whatsapp website.  maybe i buy the wrong version? or maybe this tool is not good for the kind of job i am looking for?  Have any tutorial to help me understand the problem? If i buy the wrong software, can i cancel my order please?  If you can help me understand what i am doing wrong, it will be much better for me... Best Regards David
  • 2018-01-22 05:02
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Adding friends to facebook ...
  • I am trying to add my full friend list to facebook groups, but i want to do that from multiply accounts, and i only want to add 10-30 friends every time the bot is working on account.  My am thinking about using proxy with 200-300 facebook accounts, this way i can add 10-30 each time from every account, without getting blocked by facebook.  After checking all modules, i detected (hope i am wrong) 2 possible ways of doing that.  Option 1 (not working): I tried using the "User Source" in the "Invite User To Group" module. there i choose the account  name (with hope it will add the account friend list).  But this seen to be not the correct way of doing it, and the module is only trying to add the actual account and not the friend list in that account.  Option 2 : I tried using the search friends modules, and after it using the results with the Invite to a group module. This method is really adding people to the group, but can not be used for strong results.  this is because the bot can not work accurately. if i am adding 30 friends and after it moving to the next account, the bot will be have to re scan the friend list every time the bot is looping.  i even tried to save the "search friends" results, but can not find anywhere to import the results back to the tasks list.  If the bot will scan the friend list and later add random 30 friends to the group, after 3 loops he will try to add people which are already in the group.  So my question is how can i give the bot the option to add people to a group from a list, after exporting the friend list and save it.  i want the bot to delete the row after adding the person to the group, so the bot will not have to add him again and again.  i was thinking of importing csv file with names to the text module, but also can't find the option to export friend list + names to a csv file. i guess i can export the name list without the bot for 1-5 accounts, but what if i want to use 100?  I really believe such simple option can make your bot 50 times stronger & faster.  Is there any way to export the full name list from friend list? Or even better, is there any way to ask the bot to press the add member button?   If it can be done, i am 100% sure the invite to group module will be much better, at least for me :) I have no problem paying for special development.  I also want to know about another special development. Is there a way to make this bot with 100% opacity, and be controlled from remote computer? My old special build bot was allowing me to install the working agents on all our computers, and control the task from my laptop.  this way we can run 5000-10000 account without using proxy (we have many offices here in israel).  we want the results to be send to web service connected to our server database.  For now after 2 years of not working with facebook, i can work perfect with your bot. but 2-3 month from now we will have to use more than one computer (or 50 computers), and i must control them all from one server.  Please forgive me for my poor English, And for the long post.  I will be happy to hear from you soon about both my problems.  My email is [email protected] And my whatsapp is +972529606697 Best & Warm Regards David  
  • 2017-12-26 03:22
  • uberdavid
  • My topic Some basic questions about ...
  • Hello dear WhiteHatBox team First i want to thank you, you really have an amazing bot!! i simply love it!! THANK YOU You have an amazing team. Let me sorry again for my poor English :) I hope you will be able to understand me.  I have a few questions, i will be happy if you be able to help me.  1. Can i change the computer i am using with to activate the bot?  I want to move the software to my desktop computer.  how to do that? do i need to write to you guys before i do that? i don't want it to look like i am giving my serial code to other people.  2. I am trying to use the accept friend request module.  is there any way to reject some requests?  For example: we have huge spam attack now in Israel. Most of the spam came from accounts with Arab or Russian names, with the letters of this languages.  So i want to add all the Arabic and Russian letters in one list, and i want the bot to reject any friend request who contain one of this letters.  I really hope this is possible, but if not, i am sure you will make it too some day :) 3. I am also trying to use the Invite friends to a page module.  here in the option for friend source, i can only load friend list from URL list or search friend module.  the thing is, i don't want to invite too many users every time, we have about 500 accounts and i want to invite lets say 10-20 users from each account, every time the account is in the loop.  any better way of doing it? because if i can understand correctly, the run times is not for choosing how many friends to invite, right?  Can you please explain for me the use for the "Run all source" checkbox? i really feel i don't understand how to use this checkbox. what are the "Sources"? 4. I also found another module who looks like made to invite friends to a page, but i didn't really understand it..    I can not understand how the bot can know the page i want people to invite to. and here also i can not find any way to control the number of users i am inviting.  am i missing something?  5. I am also trying to use the "Join to a group" module.  but as you must know, facebook made a change for users when trying to join group.  they gave admins the option to ask user few questions before asking to join. is there any way the bot can handle this questions?  I have so many questions, and will be happy to get some tutorials please.  but i will try waiting with all my questions until you can help me with first 5 :)  Thank you for your amazing service!!!  Best Regards David
  • 2017-12-13 11:11