dear team!
Can you explain to me, why my module is not running well?
the task always stop on step "searching by keyword" and never run view task.
i open all day, but it still keep on 1 potion, "searching", "view" is not running.
please explain!
After test, i want to ask you my question.
How much windows are running and BOT working as the same time?
in my computer (exelent CPU), window can open alot but BOT is not running all this window.
How can help my BOT run all windows as the same time?
please help!
Everything is not working well now.
1. views task is not stop, and all of views task also working simultaneously.
2. old cokies when tasks run is not been erased, and run old searching keywork.
how can i do now?
i clicked on recommend setting on tube pro 2 to settup "find kw, click and views". Ater that, last step, view task is not running.
plz help asap im just buy big proxy pakage.
thank you!
Can anybody help me fix my setting for playing video.
My tool didnt "PLAY END" and "time duration" funtion too.
tool has just run 15 - 35s then it switched to other accounts.
can someone help me?
thank you!