Few anti-virus software say that WhiteHatBox maybe contain virus,
so it maybe ban you to install WhiteHatBox App or limit it to visit network.
The fact is that it is a false alarm, you can just ignore it or add an exception into the anti-virus software.
There are some reason to lead the false alarm, for example: WhiteHatBox has few blackhat seo tools,
or maybe just because we don't pay money to the anti-virus software company.
We are a good software company from 2008 and developed many popular software, we will never put virus in our product to kill ourselves. You can use our product without any worry.
Just purchased the web/Mac version of SpinChief.Are there any videos or tutorials that show how to get started spinning?The videos that are available now are for the desktop software and it is different from the web/Mac version.Please help. Thanks!!
Reply7Visit 11684
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Aprilcaicai2018/11/29 15:41:38
I'm using the Web/Mac vision of SpinnerChief.Where do you check the Uniqueness of a spun article? In the Windows desktop version, you go to the bottom task bar on your desktop and it tells you how unique your spun article is.Where do you find this in the Web version?Thanks!!
Reply6Visit 12331
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taylor.f.knight882018/10/15 08:53:08
when I use the spinner x, there are, notice: one serial number only be allowed to use by one user.we have the system to detect how many people are using the serial number. I only use it on a home PC and a computer at...
Reply3Visit 9890
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Aprilcaicai2016/11/15 21:00:21